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2nd Unit 6 Multiplication Tables of 2&3


Chapter 1: Multiplication Table of 2:

*Count by 2's. 

*Solve 2 x __  problems.

*Build the multiplication table for 2.

*Relate facts for  ____x 2 to the facts for 2 x____.

*Practice multiplication facts for 2.

*Solve word problem involving multiplication by 2.

Chapter 2: Multiplication Table of 3:

*Count  by 3's.

*Solve 3 x ___ problems.

Relate facts for ___x 3 to the facts for 3 x____.

*Build the multiplication table for 3.

*Practice multiplication facts for 3.

*Solve word problems involving multiplication by 3.

Chapter 3: Dividing by 2:

*Relate division facts for 2 to multiplication facts for 2.

*Practice division facts fro 2. 

*Solve word problems involving division and multiplication by 2.

Chapter 4: Dividing by 3:

*Relate division facts for 3 to multiplication facts for 3.

*Practice division facts for 3.

*Solve word problems involving division and multiplication by 3.

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