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3rd December News


I hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are looking forward to the upcoming holidays!

The Third Graders have been busy learning long division.  They are beginning to be able to divide two digit, three digit, and four digit numbers.  During December we will complete Unit 3 on Multiplication and Division and begin Unit 4, which is on multiplying and dividing by 6,7,8,& 9.  If you would like a more detailed description of that unit, please refer to the Third Grade Curriculum section on my website.

I have tentatively scheduled tests on:

Friday, December 4th-Unit 3 Chapter 4 & 5 Test on Quotient and Remainder & Multiplying Hundreds, Tens

and Ones.

Friday, December 11th-Unit 4 Chapter 1 Test on Multiplying & Dividing by 6 .

Thursday, December 17th-Unit 4 Chapter 2 on Multiplying & Dividing by 7.

Please encourage your child to complete the practice tests before each quiz.  This will better prepare them for the tests. The Practice Tests are available on the Third Grade Practice Test section of my website.

Also, please continue to have them practice basic math facts to increase their speed and accuracy.  This will also help the students solve Long Division equations more easily.

Thank you,

Mrs. Brunasso

Mother and Daughter Lighting Candles
Santa and Boy
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