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3rd Unit 10 Fractions


Chapter 1:Fraction of a Whole:

*Recognize and name fraction of a whole.

*Make a whole with a fraction.

*Understand the terms numerator and denominator.

*Compare and order fractions with a common numerator.

*Compare and order fractions with a common denominator.

*Practice making a whole.

*Practice differentiating a numerator and denominator.

*Practice comparing and ordering fractions.

Chapter 2: Equivalent Fractions:

*Recognize and name equivalent fractions.

*Find equivalent fractions using multiplication.

*Find equivalent fractons using division.

*Find the simplest form of a fraction.

*Compare and order fractions.

*Practice finding equivalent fractions.

*Practice ordering and comparing fractions.

Chapter 3:Adding Fractions:

*Add like fractions.

Chapter 4:Subtracting Fractions:

*Subtract like fractions.

*Practice adding and subtracting like fractions.

*Practice word problems using fractions.

Chapter 5:Fractions of a Set:

*Understand a fraction of a set of objects.

*Find the number of objects in a fraction of a set.

Chapter 6:Fractions and Money:

*Understand and write money in terms of fractions.

*Understand and write money from fractions to decimals.

*Practice writing money in fractions and decimals.


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